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Thursday, July 12, 2018

The Seven Ways

The Seven Ways, by Majin Boo Sama

The 'Seven Ways' represent different pathways towards the throne of chaos. They symbolize the seven 'directions' of space and are ruled by a respective lord/energy.

Ascending to the throne of chaos is known by many names across the world, it is at the heart of every mythos, religion, magic order, spiritual system, and anything in-between.

Some of these names include enlightenment, nirvana, gnosis, and anything else you can fit in there. 

Thursday, June 14, 2018

The Ego and The Spirit

You should always seek out for your high-ego. Follow what your spirit calls.

The ego, or lower intellect, is an artificial intelligence, an automaton, a computer with personality programmed by genetics and environment. It arises partly from the human brain’s capacity for intellectual functions, and partly from soul’s capacity to be molded by worldly and bodily factors. The ego is the streamlined interface through which soul can operate more efficiently within physical and social environments2.

When spirit, the source of sentience, looks through this mask and identifies with it, the two together create our human sense of self. What we consider “me” is a composite of pure sentience (spirit) and personality (ego).

In summary:

1) Ego is something that arises at the boundary between body and soul due to body conditioning the soul.

2) Spirit wearing the mask of ego provides it with a sense of human identity.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Mother's Day History, Mythology, and Funky Hermits who seek Solitude

Mother's Day is a period to think through on the legacies mothers and grandmothers have passed on. Abraham Lincoln was once quoted as saying: "All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother."

It is celebrated in 150 nations around the world, usually on the second Sunday of May. There are exceptions however, such as in numerous African nations where it is observed on the 21st of March. 

Historically, mothers have had a key role in construction and maintaining connections across generations. Even today, they are most often the kin-keepers in a family unit, making sure everyone gets along well, and they are often the ones that take the lead in passing down life lessons, traditions, and customs.

Monday, May 7, 2018

Pornography addiction, masturbation, willpower, and demons

Pornography is a ritual in which your semen (life seed) is the ultimate sacrifice. That's why it is so difficult to stop to people who've been doing it for numerous times. Succubi and Incubi want their payment and the more you consume pornography, the stronger the influence of these demons are over you. This is done through habit. You find this alternative to produce more dopamine while doing less work for it.

Pornography associates sexuality with power and/or control. Both of those constructs are demonic. Playing games is one thing, actually believing in acquiring power or control via sexuality is another. Those two things turn eroticism into demonic ritual prayers.

Like in any game you pay the initial price before an ability is even activated. By deciding to jerk it you've already given your energy away. Shitting consumes energy. Sleeping consumes energy. Breathing consumes energy. You have a finite amount and literally everything you do minuses it.

The spawn comic was very near the mark in this regard.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Reality, Dreams, and Self

You have to think, whatever this is, whatever you are, you're most strongly linked to "here". When you branch out, you get insights from out there, somewhere. But, we are ultimately pulled back in. You can't live here and be happy without investing in the HERE, though you get so much from looking out there. 

Reality as we perceive it is all a single resonance state of bosonic subatomic material. The other 'planes' of matter and material are resting upon any other resonate bosonic conditional planes. From the perspective of any bosonic plane, all other nearly identical bosonic fields/particles appear to be lesser bosonic fields/particles. 

The less similar the fields the more the separate fields appear to be fermionic fields/particles in relation to each other.

The mind creates. There's a pattern overlaid on everything. And logic demons. Once you start messing with reality (i.e: breaking logic/physics) the mind seems to counterbalance this with logic demons.

A theory exists that your "true self" (or your "consciousness") is the one with all the real power, but the catch

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Goats and Rebellion

The goat. In the public's image of the Satanism, the goat head of Baphomet has been seen almost as the poster child for it's philosophies and principles. That being of bending reality to gain indulgence of physical pleasures. Loving the body, loving sensations. They have always had a history of being compared to evil and rebellion. 

For farmers, sheep were always much easier to work with while goats would always fight back against the farmers orders. Since the character of Satan has always been that of rebellion it would thus make sense to symbolically link his philosophies with that of the goat.

In the bible metaphorical comparisons are also made with believers and sinners being compared to sheep and goat, respectively. This is mentioned in Matthew 25:31-33: “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.

Monday, April 30, 2018

Arising of Anger

I can feel the anger arise. Death, violence, killing, pain, suffering upon another... all aspects of my
consciousness which I have once ignored. Thus I realize this. Thus I realize...

I push the weight on the bench, thus pushing my weakness. 

I pull the bar over my lats, thus pulling off my uncertainties.

I stomp upon the treadmill with incredible vigor, visualizing the stomping of past regrets and blossoming a new light filled with strength, and confidence.

I raise my arm in victory, visualizing my future reality.

I sit down thus afterwards, weary from my journey.

My anger continues to boil.

I touch the anger.

It hurts.

I touch it again.

I no longer feel it.

The water has become lukewarm.

Thus I have made peace...

Thus the anger becomes my friend...

And thus it will lead me towards self-mastery.

Sunday, April 29, 2018


Catharsis could be defined as the transformation of negative emotions into their truly positive counterparts. A quick and easy definition of “truly positive” is that these counterparts are freed from egoism and self-centeredness, to referring everything back to our own pleasure and pains.

For instance, turning anger into a love and understanding of whoever/whatever you are angry at, as Christ suggested (“Love your enemies”). There can also be righteous and unselfish anger, as when Christ overturned the tables of the bankers in the temple and drove them out with a whip, but most of our anger is not really unselfish/righteous/out of moral feelings, but out of narcissistic feelings — this person hurt me, how is this person so evil, etc.

Anger generally can either be turned into love, or into useful force, as in self-defense or defending an

Saturday, April 28, 2018

The Game

This is all a game...That is the lesson I have learned.

You should do anything you can to get ahead of the game, because everyone in some way or another has

Friday, April 27, 2018

Constitution of What is and What is Not

All my life I have battled to understand the truth of what truly is, and what is not delusion. I don't mean this in a really dramatic sense, but more in terms of basic things. Such as morals, what is right or wrong, or what it means to truly be one with your guidelines. Recently I have undergone much deception from a woman I had loved... The events following prior to that is why I had stopped updating this blog for almost a year. I will not